I want to share with you my secret

Having a sacred morning practice has changed my life in the best ways. Its a non-negotiable. Weather I have 10 minutes or 2 hours, this is the priority of my day. It allows me to feel clear, grounded and connected to love and beauty within. It helps me to show up for life and my tasks as a clear vessel. It is a muscle that needs to be cultivated to show up each morning. In honouring and dedication to self. To go inwards with stillness, silence and breath. The benefits of a consistent morning practice are so many. Here comes some of my favourites. Add in breathing to start and relaxation in the end before taking on the day.

Sat Kriya

The lower parts of your spine and first 3 chakras are connected to your earthly existence. Feelings of safety within yourself and on earth, emotions towards yourself and in relation to others, creativity and the feeling of having control over ones life. If you are blocked and energy is not running freely here you might feel threatened and like you are standing on unstable grounds. Feeling like you lack control over your life and a sense of being  overwhelmed (shame, self doubt). Sat Kriya is a simple yet effective exercise to balance the first 3 chakras and if practiced only 3 minutes per day you will starts noticing shifts. Not only does this exercise stimulate the natural flow of energy but also strengthens the nervous system, boost your sexual system and clears emotions and the mind. Great practice if you suffer mild/moderate mental health issues, but be mindful and listen to the body.

How to practice Sat Kriya;

Sit on your heels with the arms overhead, elbows straight, arms hugging the sides of the head, and palms together. Interlace the fingers except for the index fingers which point straight up. Men cross the right thumb over the left, women cross the left thumb over the right. Rhythmically chant aloud ‘Sat Nam,’ gently tensing your pelvic floor and pulling the navel point in as you chant ‘Sat’ and relaxing it as you chant ‘Nam.’ Try to keep the spine still and avoid shrugging the shoulders – let the motion come from the pelvic floor and navel area alone. Aim to keep your rhythm and tone consistent. Set an alarm for 3 minutes and get this practice done straight away in the morning for a strong start to your day. Take rest for a few minutes.

You will notice shifts after only a few days but keep this practice going for 40 days and and it will rock your life. Let me know if you do and the effects.

Kirtan Kriya

Did you know that regular practice of yoga and meditation not only is an effective stress management tool (and much better than any prescription medication), but actually as little as 10-15min each day structurally changes and rewires the brain, brain behaviour and chemistry.

There is compelling neuroscientific evidence today that demonstrate the variety of ways yoga and meditation can change your brain. Brain scans (fMRIs), showing pictures of neural patterns, demonstrate positive changes that take place in the brain of people who practice meditation. And the changes are almost instant! Neuroscientist are only just starting to understand yoga’s role in preventative medicine and it’s ability to treat a range of maladies.

Make yourself comfortable and let’s meditate together for 11minutes. My personal favourite “Kirtan Kriya“ also called the youth meditation as it keeps the mind sharp as well as prevents the shortening of your telomeres (basically slows ageing down).

How to practice Kirtan Kriya;

⇀ Sit with a straight yet relaxed spine. Close your eyes.

In this meditation we chant, whisper and think about the mantra in silence. The chant uses the sounds, Saa, Taa, Naa, Maa. These ancient sounds taken together mean “my true identity” or “my highest self.”

We also use finger movements (mudras), where the thumbs touches each of the other four fingers.

On Saa, touch the index fingers of each hand to the thumbs.

On Taa, touch your middle fingers to your thumbs.

On Naa, touch your ring fingers to your thumbs.

On Maa, touch your little fingers to your thumbs.

Always go forward in sequence: thumb to index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and pinky.

We start by singing, then whispering, then in silence thinking the mantra.

Find the song for “Kirtan Kriya” online and get started on a daily 11minute practice today. Please send me a message if you do get on these hacks and what it has given you.



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