About us
Therapist and teacher
Shima Ghamari –
Born in Iran, she grew up in Sweden and now calls beautiful Spain and namely Malaga home. An avid enthusiast of the human psyche, healing, self development and how she can best guide humans from all walks of life to optimal health and wellbeing, starting from within. She has deep dived into psychology, medicine, public health and scientifically proven therapies and curated her work based on the needs of the client and/or group.
She is a keen meditator, kundalini yogi and energy worker since 2010 in service to share her teachings and leave the world better than she found it.
She has gained a MSc of Public Health towards Health Inequalities from Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Sweden.
She then continued to study a two year programme becoming a MediYoga Therapist at © MediYoga International, Stockholm Sweden.

What We Do
Holistic therapies designed to regain and sustain health and wellbeing.
Medical Yoga & Breathing
Medical yoga was founded in Sweden in 1998 and is a research based form of body therapy.
© MediYoga is regulated, quality assured and methodized. Highly effective to bring balance to the whole body through conscious breathing, soft calm movements, concentration techniques,
relaxation and meditation. Used in clinical settings in Scandinavia.
Tailored Meditations
We provide specialist, individualised and powerful meditations based on what the client and/or group needs. The power of the mind and what we can do with the right knowledge and tools is truly astonishing.
Nervous System
We believe that health and wellbeing thus quality of life starts with a balanced and flexible nervous system. Therefore many of the practices aim to regulate and calm the nervous system.
Energy Diagnosis
We provide clients with a detailed energy diagnosis, that gives insights on the physical, mental, emotional and etheric body at this stage of their life. The insights tell us the potential aswell as where the imbalances lie. The tailored practices and recommendations are then formed and “prescribed”.
Stress and modern living
The way we live and work today creates many issues for the modern human. Stress and the accompanied issues causes nervous system imbalances, mental health issues and illnesses. The need for stillness and inner work is crucial to harmonize the physical, mental and emotional body.
Peace and clarity
Information overload aswell as imbalances in the body from fast paced living becomes chaotic circuitries within, confusion and worries follows. With a individual yoga and meditation practice one can get regularity, silence within and a more clear and happy outlook on the exterior.
Complement to medicine
Western medicine and the advancements is a blessing albeit the complementary link would be a holistic view on the human and the notion that one can heal often over time and attain optimal health through healthy choices and accompanying practices that support mind, body and spirit.

Whom for
The practices I share and guide can be done and will be beneficial for anyone wanting to take the reigns of their health and wellbeing as each person will get what they need and the body naturally balances itself. But it is particularly targeted towards humans with stress related concerns and illnesses, burnout, issues with the immune system, mild to moderate mental health issues, support for addiction rehab, patients undergoing cardiac rehab and neurological rehab.